Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Giver by Lois Lowry

The book is about a boy named Jonas going through an extraordinary life in a strange community in the future. This community is made up of a Chief Elder, the Committee of Elders, and the people. The Chief and the Committee of Elders choose everything in the community. They choose the babies name, the jobs people get, who will marry who, and all kinds of rules. In this community, there is a punishment that is called 'release', which is killing people when they break the rules or get too old or if the babies are not healthy. Jonas, a kid who is turning twelve soon, experiences weird feelings and experiences. In this community, the people can't see any colors, they only can see white and black. Also, the family members have to have a father, a mother, a girl, and a boy. All the people's activities are watched by the Elders, there is no closed door at all. The day of the ceremony of Twelves, when the Twelves are assigned their jobs by the Chief Elder, Jonas becomes The Receiver. The Receiver is the only job in the community that receives memories from The Giver.

The Giver is a wise man who helps the community by the knowledge of the outside world, when new problems come. During the training, Jonas feels pain, happiness, sadness, and other feelings that we feel and realizes that the people in his community don't have any feelings. When he asks The Giver about the truth of the release one day, The Giver shows Jonas a ceremony of release that was taken by his dad. He had to choose one of the twin babies and when he chose the lighter one, and injected a fluid into the baby's head, he died. Jonas watched all of these shocking things about release through a screen. Then he decides to run away from the community, to the "elsewhere" that may not exist. Jonas doesn't want to live in a community that is fake and doesn't want to live with people who are like robots. He makes a plan to escape with The Giver and he finds his way to the "elsewhere".

I think this is a very interesting book because it shows a very different world from our world and it allowed me to imagine about what would happen if I am one of this community. It makes you think more about our feeling and makes you fall into the book.

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